圖示-Morning chicken
Franchise Advantages

"Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast" ensures strict selection and production processes, committed to continuous innovation and health, with a grateful entrepreneurial spirit, cherishing the efforts with partners. We impart our 100% success experience to all franchisees, creating a win-win future!

"Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast" provides franchisees with higher success rate logistics:

  • 1. Professional operation technology transfer
  • 2. Assistance with store evaluation and design planning
  • 3. Comprehensive operational management teaching, not just a simple SOP
  • 4. Most ingredients are exclusive products, not common frozen items
  • 5. Headquarters offers complete logistics and central kitchen departments, simplifying orders without stockpiling
  • 6. Small investment with high return on investment
  • 7. Daily cash income; headquarters does not charge royalties or sales commission
  • 8. Product gross margin up to 60%
  • 9. Special offers for franchise loans
  • 10. 100% profit for franchisees
images-Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast